Saturday, January 3, 2009

Quinn at 3 Months

Quinn is almost 3 months. Finally, he slept for 8 hours last night and I'm hoping this is a reoccurring trend. Of course Avery made up for him by waking up twice asking for "mommy". (Still can't figure out why daddy is her favorite during the day but it's only mommy at night!?!?) Anyway, Quinn is getting really cute and cuddly (i.e. he's a chunker). He's starting to coo and smile a lot. Now that he can hold his head up, he loves investigating and smiling at the world around him. I'm pleased to say that so far, he's a very good, mellow baby -- a trait which certainly isn't from his father. :-)

Chillin' with mom

Squeaky (the dog) has yet again been demoted, but she's still
hanging on to her post by endearing herself to the competition.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

um, i know you live in austin, but didn't you go to a&m?? why are there longhorns on quinn's feet????? lol -- love you :)