Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Avery's First Day of "School"

Today was Avery's first day of Mother's Day Out. She's now 14.5 months and ready to join the other kids. It was a little hectic getting out of the house. Just as we were ready to load up in the car, she quickly rubbed a little cream cheese to her perfectly clean hair, and we had to make a last minute 3-alarm diaper change, but we still had just enough time to take a couple quick pictures. Then we were off. She didn't cry when I left her, but I did. I felt like a fool, of course but I blame it on those darn pregnancy hormones. I also obsessed last night for over an hour as I packed her backpack and made her "perfectly nutritionally balanced" lunch. The teacher reported she ate less than 1/2 of it, but she made it through the day with flying colors. Except for nap time, she said Avery was the happiest baby in the class...I was so proud. Sounds too good to be true so I'm preparing for the meltdown when I take her back on Thursday. = ) But for the record, the first day was a hit!!

1 comment:

Petes said...

look at that sassy little pose there.